Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a vendor in CFM markets?
Check out our Become a Vendor tab on our website
How much does it cost to vend at CFM Markets?
If you are a First-Time Applicant or have never been accepted as a full season vendor at a CFM market before, the initial application fee is $100 for one market and $50 for each additional market(s) you would like to apply for. CFM provides financial assistance for businesses operated by socially and/or historically disenfranchised persons or groups. If you’re interested, please fill out this form to request a discount on your application fee before completing your vendor application (available only during the open application period). Weekly market fees vary based on the market. See this page for details.
What markets does CFM operate?
Decatur on Wednesdays, East Atlanta on Thursdays, Oakhurst on Saturdays, and Grant Park on Sundays
How do I request funds to improve my business?
Fill out the form in Brand & Booth Support